A Charge Detail Record (CDR) provides a detailed description of a completed charging session.
To get you started with Spirii's flexible pricing options, we have gathered examples of the most popular use cases that you can copy and paste if needed.
Discount-voucher codes can be used to offer certain users or groups of users a cheaper charging price on specific locations. This can be an efficient way to reward customers who should be prioritized and to incentivize use of your chargers.
As a charge point operator and/or owner with a white-labelled Go app, you’ll be able to access a range of app user details within the Connect Portal.
As a charge point owner, you can edit the information about your charging site that shows in the Go app.
This guide will teach you how to create a new chargebox on a location in Connect
As a charge point owner, you’ll be able to see notes on charging site issues reported by the Support team in Connect.
This guide will teach you how to set opening hours on a location, which lets you choose the specific periods where the chargers on a location will be available for the public.
Here's how to see a customer's charge history, and determine if there is an issue with the charger's registration of the charge sessions.
This article will teach you how to use the platform's pricing function and set the tariff (legacy) for all your charge points.
As a charge point owner, you can edit charging site visibility and public availability for Go app users and for roaming partners.
This guide is used to create or edit a virtual charge key
In this article you will find the full feature list of Spirii Platform: Business, Connect, and Go.
Preview the platform as your customer sees it for improved support
A new location in Connect with description "charger not installed"
All ongoing charging sessions in your charging network