In our latest UI update, we've streamlined user experience by merging the previously separated Charge Box and Connector tables. This provides a more consolidated view, reduces the need for toggling between multiple tables, and offers an expandable row feature for detailed information.

Overview of the Update

Previously, you would need to switch between two separate tables - one for the Charge Box and the other for the Connector. We recognized that this could sometimes create confusion and decided to combine these tables for a more intuitive user experience.

The new table retains all the functionalities of the two former tables but with enhanced clarity and added features.

Using the New Merged Table

  • Single View: All data related to both the Charge Box and Connector can now be viewed in one place.

  • Expandable Rows: The new table design introduces expandable rows. By clicking on a row with a Charge Box, users can view detailed information on specific Connectors that are related to that Charge Box without navigating away.

  • Status: See the status of all connectors (Charging, Idling, Suspended by an EV, Faulty) in one row. (Note: Status Bar-Upcoming feature).