Most of the order process in Spirii Business is automated.

However, your Customer Support still needs to fulfill the orders when the charge box is installed and activated in order for Spirii to be able to know when to process the payment.

Order Status

Orders can have a few different statuses:

(Status of different orders screenshot)

  • Pending means that the order is in progress and somewhere in the installation / activation process
  • Scheduled means that either the Customer or one of your users have defined a specific time for activating the charge box
  • Fulfilled means that the order is complete and the payment is processed (if set to Credit Card payment)

How to fulfill an order


Fulfilling an order also means that the payment for the Customer will be automatically processed in Stripe if set to credit card.

When an order is complete, with either the charge box being installed and activated, or a purchase is delivered, you can fulfill the order in Spirii Business.

This is done by finding the Order and clicking the Select Action in the top right corner.

Here you can select Fulfill Order to complete the order.

(Fulfill order dropdown screenshot)

Clicking this will open a pop-up where you can either fulfill it immediately or schedule it for future fulfillment.

The customer or installation partner haven’t received an email?

If the order somehow gets stuck in the process and one of the parties haven’t received the mail you will have to troubleshoot.

On the Customer, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and check if the emails have actually been sent or not.

A typical explanation would be that the email type has not been activated for that specific onboarding flow. You can check this out by going to the onboarding flow and scrolling down to Email Templates.

If the email for some reason have not been sent you can trigger the emails manually from the Order via the actions:

  • Resend Order Confirmation will trigger the order confirmation to the customer
  • Initiate Installation will trigger the installation request to the installation partner

The customer cancels prior to installation

If the customer somehow have gotten cold feet, you can cancel the order to update the status.

This is done by navigating to the Order, selecting the actions in the top right corner and clicking Cancel Order. This updates the order to “cancelled”.